Experience the joy of fresh flowers with our exclusive subscriptions – a more affordable option than our signature bouquets, with the added convenience of regular delivery. Whether for yourself or someone special, choose from our Mixed Bouquet or Single Stem Roses. Select your bouquet size, delivery frequency, and colour, and add a personalised message at checkout for a bespoke floral experience.

Subscriptions are automatically renewed according to your selected delivery interval and the products will be automatically delivered by the shop after each successful renewal. For example, if you started a monthly subscription, then the system will automatically charge your credit card each month and you will get the products to your doorstep each month, without the need to place the order by yourself!

When setting up your subscription, you can choose between a Mixed Bouquet or Single Stem Roses variant, select your preferred bouquet size from our four options, and pick your desired colour.
Our florists will then create a truly beautiful hand-tied bouquet using the best flowers on the stand, based on the colour option selected on the product page. Very occasionally, we may need to send you a slightly different bouquet due to seasonal availability.
Your bouquet will be delivered on the date that you have selected at checkout at the time of your original order.
We offer complete flexibility on our subscriptions to suit your needs. You can choose to receive deliveries weekly, monthly, or annually and select the length of your subscription on the product page, with a minimum of three deliveries required for all subscriptions.
If you need to pause or cancel your subscription, you can do so at any time through the customer portal. The only exception is for subscriptions that require a specific number of payments before cancellation is permitted. To access the customer portal, use the magic link sent to you via email when you placed your initial subscription order. Alternatively, you can access your subscriptions by creating an account in our shop.
Should you wish to skip or reschedule a charge, simply visit the customer portal. Each scheduled delivery includes a Skip payment button, allowing you to skip the charge, and a Reschedule button next to the delivery date for changing the schedule.
If the subscription can't be renewed because a payment can't be processed you will receive an email with a link where you can safely update your payment method.
You have one payment option for subscriptions: your nominated card will be charged a few days before each scheduled delivery. This means you won’t need to worry about making payments manually; it will be done automatically for your convenience. Please note that we currently charge a delivery fee on all orders, but we are actively working to improve this process to enhance your experience.
If you have any questions about subscriptions or need help placing your order, contact us at flowers@wildatheart.com. We’re always happy to help!

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