The language of Delphiniums
How these stunning flowers came to receive their name in the language of flowers...
Delphinium is a genus of about 300 species in the Ranunculaceae family. They are native to the Northern Hemisphere and also on the high mountains of Africa.
The name delphinium derives from the Greek word delphínion which translates as ‘dolphin’. It’s said to have received this name from it’s dolphin-shaped flowers.
Delphiniums are incredibly beautiful to look at but are poisonous to humans and animals if they are consumed.
Due to their tall and delicate stems, delphiniums are a fabulous flower to have as a single stem bouquet in a vase, bringing scale and impact to your home. In addition to our single stem bouquet, this summer we have created the most perfect wild bouquet with the hero flower being delphiniums - our Lilac Fields Bouquet is not one to be missed!
We also love the idea of using cut delphiniums in bridal bouquets - whether you are going down the traditional route with all white flowers or having a country-style wedding, the diverse range of colours and sizes can add a unique touch to your summer wedding.
Don't miss a chance to shop these beautiful flowers in our summer collection.