Fir is a genus of over 50 species of evergreen trees. They are large trees, known for their needle-like leaves. Although Native to North and central America, they can be found all around the world now and are most known for their importance at Christmas.


    Christmas trees are evergreen trees - they can be fir, pine or spruce and have been used as decorated ornaments in people's homes at Christmas for centuries.

    Germany is known to have started the Christmas tree tradition in the 16th Century, it then become popular when Queen Victoria and Prince Albert followed the tradition in England in the 17th Century.

    Evergreen trees are used as they stay bright green even in the depth of winter.


    The tradition of the Christmas Wreath began in 19th Century and was taken on around the world. Christmas Wreaths began in Germany as table centres and door wreaths then followed. 

    Wreaths are one of the main Christmas decorations now and have many meanings behind them. It is a symbol of hope of eternal life through Christianity. It is also said to be a reminder of the cycle of the seasons and that Spring will come back around.


    We love to use fir and other evergreen foliage within our winter collection of bouquets. It adds a beautiful structure against winter flowers and with their bright green leaves, it is hard not love them!

    With the meaning evergreen trees bring, it brings an added festive touch to bouquets, making them the perfect way to dress your home for Christmas and to gift to loved ones during this time of year.


    - Christmas

    - Honesty

    - Eternal Life

    - Hope

    - Endurance

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